Course notes

Here are links to course notes, tutorials etc. Material will be updated and extended (or cut) as required, so should not be considered as the final version until the lecture it relates to has happened. This page itself may well be revised as we go along. All of this material is supplementary to what is provided on the course Learn pages.

Additionally to the lecture notes, there are:

Some introductory talk slides (PDF), and a video of the talk. We use the Fat-Free Framework for PHP (, normally referred to here as F3. Some of these notes are older and do not take F3 into account. This is OK, in that all the normal PHP approaches still work, but you will not need to study (and should strictly avoid) the “vanilla PHP” method for connecting to databases, among other things.

For those who haven’t looked at HTML & CSS before… you should look at these “view-torials” as soon as possible ( password is atrium):

There are also many other resources available to study these basic web technologies, including in the LinkInLearning suggestions that are provided on the course pages in Learn.

Lecture notes

These are notes that support material mentioned in lectures – they do not necessarily follow the format or the ordering of any lecture presentation. Much of the learning material offered in this course is intended as resources that you can exploit in a variety of ways in learning how to build your web site. You are expected to work selectively, finding the material relevant to a particular part of the task. The first three items on the list below are foundational material that everyone should try to understand as a basis for the technology used in the course.

  1. Instructions for using local servers
  2. Introduction and Forms with F3
  3. Databases with F3
  4. More PHP updated for Fat-Free Framework
  5. Evaluation / Usability
  6. Conditional expressions plus cookies / sessions: A viewtorial on implementing login with a session in F3 -- code for this, with some additional comments, can be downloaded here. The demo can be viewed and played with here (with username guest, password guest).] This is cookietest.php, and this is login.php;
  7. Further PHP and the ImageServer:
  8. Javascript and APIs: here are links to Jules’ notes – There used to be notes here for the Google Maps APIs; however, Google have changed the API so these are now out of date, and Google’s own notes are now much better. So just look at the Google documentation here.
  9. Javascript and jQuery notes Zipped code for AJAX and jQuery examples, based on Jules’ originals. (see this video of the lecture)

NB: not all of these things will necessarily be referred to in this year’s lectures or tutorials.

Any problems, just let me know: John.