Now you have your SFTP connection setup we can upload the FFF-SimpleExample.

There are a few setup steps that need to be run through first. Be sure to read each step carefully. It may be worthwhile reading all steps first before following along. Get in touch with the tutors if you have any problems.

Table of Contents


1. Add Fat Free Framework (FFF)

2. Add FFF-SimpleExample

  • First download the
  • moved the unzipped folder to your PHPStorm project folder.
  • In AboveWebRoot create an autoload folder
  • move the DatabaseConnection.php in your FFF-SimpleExample/autoload to AboveWebRoot/autoload

Your Project should now look like this:

3. Mapping folders

  • Go to Build, Execution, Deployment -> Deployment,
  • Click Autodetect next to Root Path. This should set Root Path to: /home/DOMAIN_USERNAME
    • You could now also set Web Server url:

  • go to the Mappings tab and click Add New Mapping
  • Set a mapping for both AboveWebRoot and FFF-SimpleExample
  • AboveWebRoot:
    • Local Path: click folder icon and select AboveWebRoot
    • Deployment Path:
      • right click the top level
      • create a Directory named AboveWebRoot
    • Web Path: /
  • FFF-SimpleExample
    • Local Path: click folder icon and select FFF-SimpleExample
    • Deployment Path:
      • right click the public_html
      • create a Directory named FFF-SimpleExample
    • Web Path: /FFF-SimpleExample
  • Right click the project folder and select Deployment -> Upload to

  • Your mappings should look something like:

Map a folder Gif

4. DatabaseConnection Setup

4a. Create Database

  • go to your dashboard
  • go to MySQL® Databases
  • Create a Database
    • name the database SimpleModel
    • click Create Database
  • Add New User:
    • just use the same username you have already e.g. username_username
    • type a password
    • click Create User
  • Add User to Database
    • Your username should be the only one in the drop down.
    • add this to the username_SimpleModel database -. click Add

4b. Create a table

  • go to your dashboard
  • go to phpMyAdmin
  • Select your database Username_DatabaseName
  • click New

  • add a new table named simpleModel with these columns
  • You will need to add an additional column

Name Type Length/Values Index A_I
id BIGINT - Primary x
name VARCHAR 200 - -
colour VARCHAR 200 - -
  • you can leave other unmentioned attributes blank.
  • when you check A_I or Primary just click Go on the pop-up

  1. click Save

4c. Set Authentication

  • Go to AboveWebRoot > autoload > DatabaseConnection.php
  • Fill in the missing details of the file by changing
class DatabaseConnection {

  static function connect() {
      return new DB\SQL(


5. Upload to Server

To upload all files in your project:

  • Right click the project folder
  • Deployment -> Upload to

Manual Upload GIF

Your site should now be available at

About the Example

Noted below are the parts of this project and which role within the MVC design pattern it concerns.

autoload/ [Role: Model / Controller]

autoload contains the SimpleController class that will usually be relevant for interacting with your MySQL Database.

Both the Model and the Controller will need to decide on how the SimpleController works.

index.php [Role: Controller]

index.php is where the routing on your site happens. Every request for a webpage on your site ends up here. This is where the Controller will take data form the Model and send it to the View. It is also where data is collected from the View and sent to the Model.

ui/ [Role: View / Controller]

The .html files within the ui/ folder are where your View decides on how pages are organised. Both View and Controller will need to talk to each other to decide on how the site is templated and naming conventions for variables. Every time you see {{ @A_Variable }}, the View and the Controller probably need to talk to each other.